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Chinese aandelen / beurs algemeen

Beleggen in aandelen beurs China Shanghai Composite, Toronto, etc.
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Chinese aandelen / beurs algemeen

Bericht door nobody »

'Low price' is the word at China's largest trade show

BEIJING (April 15): Foreign buyers will throng the vast halls of China's biggest trade expo from Monday, scouting for deals on Chinese goods that US and European governments complain are flooding global markets.

The 135th Canton Fair comes as China is making a strategic policy shift, accelerating resource distribution towards its manufacturing complex and away from its crisis-hit property sector, in the hope that it can move up the value scale.

This is causing alarm in Washington and Brussels, especially over what China calls the "new three" industries of electric vehicles, batteries and solar energy, where the world's second-largest economy is becoming a dominant export power.

US and EU officials are concerned their own industries won't be able to compete with China's vast industrial capacity driving down prices.

But deep and prolonged factory gate deflation has become a concern domestically as well, as many manufacturers — especially at the lower technological end — are locked in a price war, competing for rigid and tepid global demand.

"For this year's fair, the keyword will be 'low price', whether it is low-tech or high-tech products out of China," said Zhiwu Chen, professor in finance at HKU Business School.

"Since domestic demand for goods within China is much lower than usual and overcapacity is high across most industries, manufacturers have to cut their prices to achieve more exports."

Around 93,000 foreign buyers are expected to attend the three-week long fair, perusing the goods of 28,600 exhibitors selling everything from massage chairs and frying pans to garden ornaments in booths covering a 1.5 million square metre space — or 280 football fields.

Organisers said the fair will show off China's efforts to move up the value chain in line with President Xi Jinping's push for "new productive forces" in the economy.

For all the hype around China's rise in the green energy sector, exports of the "new three" accounted for only 4.5% of total shipments last year. The majority of factories are less sophisticated and depressed domestic demand leaves them at the whim of foreign buyers.

Regular Canton fair exhibitor Kris Lin, who owns a lighting products factory in the eastern province of Zhejiang, spent tens of thousands of yuan to rent a booth this year, but he's not travelling with great expectations.

"Fewer and fewer buyers from Europe and the US have been coming to check our products in recent years," Lin said.

"A big Western supermarket buyer used to send five-to-eight people, dressed in nice suits. I only saw one or two of them in recent years and they were just looking around."

Some US$22.3 billion (RM106.4 billion) worth of deals were signed at the last Canton Fair in October, up 2.8% on the April 2023 show — which was the first after three years of pandemic disruptions. That's still well below pre-Covid returns of around US$30 billion.

Given the producer price deflation in China, the lower numbers may reflect more of a drop in value than volume. On Friday, more evidence of exporters' woes were highlighted by China's dismal March exports and imports, which both contracted.

"Foreign procurement managers coming to the fair will find many prices too low to resist and they will sign many fire-sale-like deals," Chen said.

"This year's fair will showcase the contradiction between developed countries' government preferences and micro-level business priorities."


Berichten: 1281
Lid geworden op: 13 dec 2021 23:30
Heeft bedankt: 173 maal
Is bedankt: 554 maal

Re: Chinese aandelen / beurs algemeen

Bericht door Bertje »

GDHG: Aandeel 99% gedaald door een verhaal dat de parken geen volk zouden trekken, onderzoekers proberen het tegendeel te bewijzen.


De beurswaarde daalde van 1.1 miljard naar 11 miljoen.
Apr 8, 2024 0.3300 0.3660 0.2310 0.2400 0.2400 10,559,000
Apr 1, 2024 0.4850 0.4850 0.3200 0.3300 0.3300 8,721,200
Mar 25, 2024 0.5000 0.5400 0.4400 0.4630 0.4630 9,059,800
Mar 18, 2024 0.4660 0.5200 0.4500 0.4820 0.4820 6,518,900
Mar 11, 2024 0.4970 0.5200 0.4390 0.4400 0.4400 8,524,800
Mar 4, 2024 0.4800 0.5500 0.4500 0.4970 0.4970 14,195,600
Feb 26, 2024 0.4960 0.6200 0.4410 0.4880 0.4880 25,947,800
Feb 19, 2024 0.4900 0.5670 0.4100 0.4730 0.4730 18,509,200
Feb 12, 2024 0.5700 0.6100 0.4500 0.5040 0.5040 19,012,600
Feb 5, 2024 0.6100 0.7690 0.4850 0.5700 0.5700 6,939,200
Jan 29, 2024 0.5750 0.8470 0.5400 0.6060 0.6060 5,034,100
Jan 22, 2024 0.4600 0.5600 0.4410 0.5440 0.5440 1,475,100
Jan 15, 2024 0.5510 0.5600 0.4400 0.4510 0.4510 1,080,700
Jan 8, 2024 0.6060 0.6200 0.5390 0.5600 0.5600 2,384,400
Jan 1, 2024 0.7450 0.7450 0.6130 0.6240 0.6240 2,211,100
Dec 25, 2023 1.0900 1.1200 0.7020 0.7300 0.7300 6,992,700
Dec 18, 2023 1.2400 1.4900 1.0700 1.1400 1.1400 6,038,400
Dec 11, 2023 1.1700 1.5500 1.0500 1.2900 1.2900 9,870,200
Dec 4, 2023 19.5300 22.3000 1.3300 1.3600 1.3600 17,464,600
Nov 27, 2023 22.5200 24.8300 19.7500 20.5500 20.5500 1,834,400
Nov 20, 2023 21.8200 24.3000 19.7500 23.4900 23.4900 1,428,500
Nov 13, 2023 23.0000 24.9900 11.0050 20.3900 20.3900 2,547,300
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Chinese aandelen / beurs algemeen

Bericht door nobody »

China begint 2024 met meer economische groei dan verwacht

De Chinese economie is in de eerste drie maanden van 2024 harder gegroeid dan verwacht. Dat is een opluchting voor het land, dat kampt met een vastgoedcrisis, oplopende schulden van lokale overheden en lage consumentenuitgaven.

De Chinese economie groeide in het eerste kwartaal met 5,3 procent op jaarbasis, laat het Chinese statistiekbureau weten. In het vierde kwartaal van 2023 bedroeg de groei nog 5,2 procent.

De Chinese regering hoopt dat de economie in 2024 met ongeveer 5 procent groeit. Dat is volgens veel analisten ambitieus. Dat de Chinese economie vorig jaar nog met ruim 5 procent groeide, komt met name doordat er in 2023 geen coronamaatregelen meer van kracht waren.

Naast de vastgoedcrisis, oplopende overheidsschulden en zwakke consumentenuitgaven wordt gevreesd dat China het komende jaar weer met prijsdalingen te maken krijgt. Ook dat zou de groei van de economie in het land afremmen.

De problemen op de Chinese vastgoedmarkt, waar veel met schulden overladen projectontwikkelaars in de problemen zijn geraakt, drukken het hardst op de economie.

De prijzen van nieuwe huizen zijn daardoor in maart met 2,2 procent op jaarbasis gedaald. Dat was de grootste daling sinds augustus 2015 en de negende maand van prijsdalingen op rij.

https://www.nu.nl/economie/6309211/chin ... wacht.html
Berichten: 1281
Lid geworden op: 13 dec 2021 23:30
Heeft bedankt: 173 maal
Is bedankt: 554 maal

Re: Chinese aandelen / beurs algemeen

Bericht door Bertje »

Bertje schreef: 15 apr 2024 23:26 GDHG: Aandeel 99% gedaald door een verhaal dat de parken geen volk zouden trekken, onderzoekers proberen het tegendeel te bewijzen.


De beurswaarde daalde van 1.1 miljard naar 11 miljoen.
Apr 8, 2024 0.3300 0.3660 0.2310 0.2400 0.2400 10,559,000
Apr 1, 2024 0.4850 0.4850 0.3200 0.3300 0.3300 8,721,200
Mar 25, 2024 0.5000 0.5400 0.4400 0.4630 0.4630 9,059,800
Mar 18, 2024 0.4660 0.5200 0.4500 0.4820 0.4820 6,518,900
Mar 11, 2024 0.4970 0.5200 0.4390 0.4400 0.4400 8,524,800
Mar 4, 2024 0.4800 0.5500 0.4500 0.4970 0.4970 14,195,600
Feb 26, 2024 0.4960 0.6200 0.4410 0.4880 0.4880 25,947,800
Feb 19, 2024 0.4900 0.5670 0.4100 0.4730 0.4730 18,509,200
Feb 12, 2024 0.5700 0.6100 0.4500 0.5040 0.5040 19,012,600
Feb 5, 2024 0.6100 0.7690 0.4850 0.5700 0.5700 6,939,200
Jan 29, 2024 0.5750 0.8470 0.5400 0.6060 0.6060 5,034,100
Jan 22, 2024 0.4600 0.5600 0.4410 0.5440 0.5440 1,475,100
Jan 15, 2024 0.5510 0.5600 0.4400 0.4510 0.4510 1,080,700
Jan 8, 2024 0.6060 0.6200 0.5390 0.5600 0.5600 2,384,400
Jan 1, 2024 0.7450 0.7450 0.6130 0.6240 0.6240 2,211,100
Dec 25, 2023 1.0900 1.1200 0.7020 0.7300 0.7300 6,992,700
Dec 18, 2023 1.2400 1.4900 1.0700 1.1400 1.1400 6,038,400
Dec 11, 2023 1.1700 1.5500 1.0500 1.2900 1.2900 9,870,200
Dec 4, 2023 19.5300 22.3000 1.3300 1.3600 1.3600 17,464,600
Nov 27, 2023 22.5200 24.8300 19.7500 20.5500 20.5500 1,834,400
Nov 20, 2023 21.8200 24.3000 19.7500 23.4900 23.4900 1,428,500
Nov 13, 2023 23.0000 24.9900 11.0050 20.3900 20.3900 2,547,300
Schoot gisteren nabeurs fors hoger: GDHG: After hours: 0.43 + 0.167 (+63,51%) maar toen wat teruggevallen.

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Chinese aandelen / beurs algemeen

Bericht door nobody »

Domo Chemicals breidt Chinese polyamidefabriek uit

Het Gentse kunststofbedrijf Domo Chemicals investeert ruim 14 miljoen euro in zijn Chinese polyamidefabriek.

De productiecapaciteit van zowat 190.000 ton nylon verhuist naar een nieuwe vestiging en wordt opgekrikt tot 215.000. Maar als de vraag verder groeit, wil Domo zijn aanwezigheid op de Chinese markt verdubbelen. "We moeten onze klanten lokaal kunnen bedienen", zegt CEO Yves Bonte.

China kent al jaren een stijgende vraag naar consumptiegoederen met polyamiden. De kunststof is niet alleen sterk, maar ook uiterst goed bestand tegen hitte en behoudt zijn kleur. Ook contact met chemische stoffen is niet problematisch. Waar het vroeger gebruikt werd in de buurt van warme onderdelen zoals de motor van een auto, is die markt aan het krimpen.

Maar ook elektrische voertuigen hebben nood aan polyamiden, bijvoorbeeld in het koelsysteem rond batterijen. Het wordt gebruikt in de connectoren voor zonnepannelen en in toepassingen als grasmaaiers, hogedrukreinigers en powertools. "De markt voor die technische toepassingen groeit sterk", zegt Bonte. "Het is ook een interessante kunststof omdat ze onbeperkt gerecycleerd kan worden."

Domo Chemicals is al sinds 2016 aanwezig in China. Het stelt er 80 mensen tewerk. Dat aantal zal stijgen, al is het ook de bedoeling om efficientiewinsten te boeken in de nieuwe fabriek.

https://www.msn.com/nl-be/nieuws/nation ... 72cb&ei=20
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Chinese aandelen / beurs algemeen

Bericht door nobody »

TikTok divest-or-ban bill expected to become US law in days

(April 21): The US House on Saturday put legislation forcing TikTok’s Chinese parent ByteDance Ltd to divest its ownership stake on a fast track to become law, tying it to a crucial aid package for Ukraine and Israel.

A massive lobbying effort led by TikTok chief executive officer Shou Chew failed to overcome a bipartisan coalition worried about the app’s collection of data on more than 170 million Americans — and the potential for the Chinese government to use it to disseminate propaganda.

The broad legislation, which passed on a 360 to 58 vote, also would place new restrictions on data brokers selling information to foreign adversaries and authorise the confiscation of frozen Russian assets to aid Ukraine.

The Senate is expected to vote on the measure next week and President Joe Biden has said he will sign the legislation.

“This bill protects Americans and especially America’s children from the malign influence of Chinese propaganda on the app TikTok. This app is a spy balloon in Americans’ phones,” said bill author Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican.

Opponents of the bill like Senator Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, could still try to strip out the TikTok measure in the Senate, but such efforts aren’t likely to be successful.

ByteDance intends to exhaust all legal challenges before it considers any kind of divestiture if the TikTok ban becomes law, according to people familiar with the matter.

“It is unfortunate that the House of Representatives is using the cover of important foreign and humanitarian assistance to once again jam through a ban bill that would trample the free speech rights of 170 million Americans, devastate seven million businesses, and shutter a platform that contributes US$24 billion (RM114.8 billion) to the US economy, annually,” a TikTok spokesperson said Saturday.

Years of scrutiny over TikTok’s connection to China spans presidential administrations, political parties and arms of the government. Former president Donald Trump tried to ban the app via an executive order that was set aside under Biden, whose administration oversaw a review by the Committee for Foreign Investment in the US.

Multiple bipartisan ban bills were proposed in Congress and then forgotten. The divest-or-ban framework seems to have finally threaded the needle.

The legislation passed Saturday gives ByteDance nearly a year to divest itself of the social media platform, with 90 of those days subject to a presidential waiver — longer than the six-month time frame in a version of the legislation the House passed earlier this year.

That extended deadline means TikTok won’t have to divest or be shut down before the election, to the dismay of some lawmakers who say they worry China could use the app to meddle in US politics.

TikTok rose to prominence during the pandemic as a place to share entertaining, short videos without the expectation of perfection that hangs over apps like Instagram. It’s algorithmically-curated feed tailored based on peoples’ interests — not who they follow — was a new, captivating way to scroll on social media. That idea has since been copied by Meta and Alphabet’s YouTube.

TikTok has argued that the legislation would violate the First Amendment and pointed to their spending US$1.5 billion-plus on data privacy efforts to try to allay national security concerns. TikTok has brought creators and small business owners to the US Capitol to argue they say would suffer economic losses without TikTok.

They’ve also encouraged users to call their lawmakers to urge them to vote against the bill. The company hired well-known lobbyists to try and sway lawmakers. So far, none of it has been enough.

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Chinese aandelen / beurs algemeen

Bericht door nobody »

TikTok ban: China would rather pull the app than sell it, strategist says

Yahoo Finance

The US House of Representatives passed a bill over the weekend aimed at forcing TikTok's parent company ByteDance to divest from the company. President Biden has previously claimed that if the bill makes it to his desk, he would sign it into law. China has recently forced Apple (AAPL) to remove several popular messaging apps, including Meta's (META) WhatsApp, from its app store in China.

Macrolens Chief Strategist Brian McCarthy joins Market Domination to give insight into China's reception of the bill to ban TikTok from the US and how it will affect US/China relations.

In terms of the connection between China and ByteDance, and why China would not allow divestiture from ByteDance, McCarthy affirms: "The fact that there is no connection is their story and they're sticking to it come hell or high water. And I think, while ByteDance is probably worth anywhere between $250 billion to $300 billion, there is a fair amount of capital at risk here.

Now, the company wouldn't cease to exist if it gets booted from the US market, but obviously, there's going to be tens of billions, if not triple-digit billions, lost, much of it on the part of Chinese investors.

But that's really small change compared to what China is fighting for which is its unfettered access to our market. This is just one of a number of fronts in what is an increasingly, sort of, heated debate about China's involvement in global marketplaces. "

Berichten: 2713
Lid geworden op: 29 jan 2022 19:23
Heeft bedankt: 435 maal
Is bedankt: 1554 maal

Re: Chinese aandelen / beurs algemeen

Bericht door Bel-Investor »

UBS vindt Chinese aandelen koopwaardig

UBS verhoogt zijn advies voor de brede MSCI China Index tot ‘overweight’ (kopen). ‘De grootste aandelen in China doen het over het algemeen goed qua winsten en fundamentals’, schrijft een groep strategen in een nota. De Zwitserse bank is nu zelfs nog positiever over de bedrijfswinsten omdat er signalen zijn dat de binnenlandse consumptie begint aan te trekken. Mogelijk gaan de Chinezen zelfs hun spaargeld aanspreken, wat de consumptie hoger zou stuwen en een positief effect kan hebben op de markten.

UBS heeft ook een koopadvies voor Hongkong, maar verlaagt daarentegen de rating voor de technologierijke beurzen van Zuid-Korea en Taiwan tot ‘neutral’ (houden).

De Chinese beurzen gaan vanmorgen verschillende richtingen uit. Sjanghai noteert met 0,4 procent verlies door druk van cyclische aandelen (metalen), terwijl Hongkong op 1,6 procent winst staat, met dank aan technologie.
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Chinese aandelen / beurs algemeen

Bericht door nobody »

China’s prices are just too low for buyers to sweat about tariffs

(April 24): China can withstand any new tariffs the world throws at it — even the punitive ones Donald Trump is planning if he wins a second presidential term — because its prices are simply too competitive to resist.

That’s the predominant view at this month’s Canton Fair. Many buyers and sellers at China’s biggest trade event, held in the southern city of Guangzhou, shrugged off the risk of an escalating trade war.

“My customers told me even a 50% tariff won’t come close to driving them away,” said Jack Jin, who sells cargo-control tools and truck parts from southeast China. He says about half his orders come from Americans — who can sell his products for four times what they pay him.

Tension between China and its trading partners is escalating in a US election year, amid allegations the world’s top manufacturer is dumping goods and unfairly subsidising industries. The list of targeted products is getting longer, including metals and ships as well as electric vehicles (EVs).

Trump says he might impose an across-the-board China tariff of more than 60%. President Joe Biden — his opponent in November’s election — last week pledged to triple charges on Chinese steel, an area where emerging economies have voiced concerns too. The European Union launched a probe into Chinese EV subsidies that could lead to new tariffs within months, and is scrutinising the solar and rail industries.

But traders at the Canton Fair say the world will need Chinese goods no matter what. They’re coming up with workarounds for tariffs. And even buyers who are looking into supply-chain alternatives said they still expect China to remain their top source, because other countries lag in quality and cost.

‘Skin the cat’

Samuel Jackson, who was at the fair as a purchaser for a Bosnian furniture company, said he can get products of “very, very similar” standard at half the price that European makers charge. Tariffs might have some impact, he said, “but China is too big a country. They have other countries to sell to.”

For Alex Student, an auto accessories importer from California, it’s US consumers who’ve borne the brunt of tariffs on China-made goods. His retailers at home refused to pay higher prices when Trump slapped on the taxes, and instead asked him to get the producers to supply a slightly cheaper version.

“At the end of the day, who paid? The consumer,” he said. “You either gave something up in terms of the quality of the product, or you gave up more money for the same product.”

Student described one way he found to offset the tariffs, by switching to so-called Free On Board pricing. That meant logistics and warehousing costs were left to his US customers — and the sale price, on which tariffs are based, came down. There’s “a lot of different ways to skin the cat”, he said.

Chinese products are cheap even for buyers from less developed countries. Daniel Lulandala, owner of a machinery trading company in Tanzania, was on his first trip to China and excited about being able to negotiate directly with local manufacturers.

He found the prices on offer at the Canton Fair so low that it’s led him to expand his business ambition, and he’s now thinking of opening a factory back home to make building blocks, using a Chinese machine that costs about US$8,000 (RM38,212). He’s confident he could earn that back within just three months.

“If I was here a few years earlier, I could be somewhere higher now, business-wise,” Lulandala said.

Out of 125,000 foreign buyers who’d attended the fair through April 19, only 18% were from the US and Europe, according to the organisers. That’s not just down to trade tensions, but also because ties with those economies are well established and the buyers tend to be larger if fewer in number. Two-thirds of attendees come from the mostly emerging nations that are part of Beijing’s Belt and Road infrastructure plan, up from about half a decade ago.

‘Contingency plans’

Of course, importers who made the trek to Guangzhou are likely among the China optimists — and some producers there did express trade-war concerns.

A saleswoman for a Shanghai producer of plastic strapping, who asked not to be identified discussing her concerns about the economy, said she was worried by the prospect of another Trump presidency. She said her company has been scraping by in the past few years, under pressure to keep developing more products even though profits were falling, and described business conditions as akin to a rat race.

If China’s falling production costs impress foreign buyers, they’re also a symptom of weak demand at home, where households are reluctant to spend after a prolonged real estate slump that’s left the country at risk of deflation. A pivot to exports may help meet this year’s growth target of around 5%, but it also undercuts the longer-term plan for domestic consumers to play a bigger part in driving the economy.

Jin, the truck-part seller, acknowledged being “a little” worried about Trump, who he sees as more unpredictable than Biden. He’s also aware of growing competition from other emerging nations. His company stopped making a metal ring used on trucks because Indian producers, unburdened by tariffs, were able to offer lower prices.

Student said he’s started looking for what he calls “contingency plans”. His firm imported some goods from Vietnam last year, the first time it’s bought from anywhere except China since the 2000s, and he’s looked at Thailand and Indonesia for certain products.

But all those countries have a long way to go before they’re competitive with China, he said. So even in a “worst-case scenario” China will still likely get about 75% of his firm’s business. “I can’t foresee it being less.”

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Chinese aandelen / beurs algemeen

Bericht door nobody »

China's first-quarter industrial profits rise at slower pace

BEIJING (April 27): China's industrial profits posted smaller gains for the first quarter compared to the first two months, official data showed on Saturday, adding to evidence of an uneven recovery for the world's second-biggest economy.

Profits at China's industrial firms rose 4.3% in the first quarter from a year earlier, National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) data showed, slower than a 10.2% rise in the first two months.

Profits fell 3.5% year-on-year in March. The NBS did not break down monthly numbers for January and February, but said at the time that monthly numbers had extended gains since August 2023.

The reading complemented a slew of economic indicators for March, such as retail sales and industrial output that pointed to frail domestic demand despite solid first-quarter gross domestic product growth.

Signs of the economy gaining momentum in the opening months were shown to have gradually given way to concerns over lacklustre demand at home.

Last week, senior officials of China's central bank signalled caution over the boost to credit as real credit demand weakened.

Earlier in April, Chinese electric vehicle battery company CATL saw its profit swing back to growth in the first quarter, but its revenue slid for the second consecutive quarter, amid slowing demand and intensified competition.

Fitch has cut its outlook on China's sovereign credit rating to negative, citing risks to public finances as the economy faces increasing uncertainty in its shift to new growth models.

Industrial profit numbers cover firms with annual revenue of at least 20 million yuan (US$2.76 million or RM13.17 million) from their main operations.

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